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We completed a focussed inspection in June 2017 to check that the provider had taken action to address the concerns we had raised. At that inspection we found that both concerns had been addressed by the provider. At this inspection we found that the care and support people received had continued to improve under the guidance of the registered manager. The provider did not have effective systems in place to monitor the quality of care and support that people received. Quality assurance records were completed to check on important aspects of the management of the home; however these had not identified the issues found during this inspection. The home manager had not ensured that accurate records relating to the care and treatment of people and the overall management of the service were maintained.

Organised activities will focus on helping residents maintain their health and wellbeing. People received the care and support they needed, however the care plans did not always reflect peoples current needs. Care plans were based around the individual preferences of people as well as their medical needs. People and relatives were involved in reviews of care, but these reviews did not always result in a change of the support plan to reflect current needs. People were at risk of not getting care they really needed as staff who may not be familiar with people would not have access to correct information. We undertook this focused inspection to check that they had followed their plan and to confirm that they now met legal requirements.
Our site provides information about every retirement scheme, development or village in the UK, to help you make the right choice. The home is ideally situated for the excellent bus and train services nearby. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them.

Documentation to enable staff to support people and record the care and support given were not complete. The management was switching to a new system to try to improve the service. Care plan information was available to staff by use of hand written notes at the front of care files, or in people’s rooms so staff could access it. We carried out an unannounced comprehensive inspection of this service on 28 November 2016.
Guidance for providers
At this inspection we found that some, but not all of the areas of concern had been addressed. Birdscroft provides accommodation and nursing care for up to 28 people, some of whom have dementia. Communal facilities include a large lounge and dining area, a small quiet lounge, and a secluded rear garden which is accessed via a ramp with rails. Birdscroft Nursing Home provides accommodation and nursing care for up to 28 people, some of whom have dementia. Communal facilities include a large lounge, a small quiet lounge, a separate dining room and a secluded rear garden which is accessed via a ramp with rails.

Areas such as falls from windows had not been managed effectively. We offer single bedrooms, of which the vast majority have en-suite facilities and/or wet rooms. The spacious main house provides two pleasant lounges, which creates a relaxing and peaceful environment to spend the day in, whilst overlooking our garden. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
Current waiting times of your flight
Getting older can make it more difficult to get around and do the things you used to do, or would like to do. If affording work to your home is an issue, Age UK’s factsheet Home improvements and repairs is a good read, as is OneFamily’s webpage How to fund home improvements. A challenge we all face as we get older is to think about where we live, and how it will work for us when we’re older. If you intend to ‘stay put’ where you are, then thinking and planning ahead makes sense.
Important areas such as medicines management, staff training and introduction of new policies such as prevention and management of choking had not been put into place until the manager had started. This the new manager had to develop a clear plan that detailed where the service needed to improve. The plan was reviewed and updated as tasks were completed with a senior manager. The quality assurance systems were still in the process of being introduced so were not yet effective at showing how the home was performing against management targets. The provider had effective systems in place to monitor the quality of care and support that people received.
People said they were happy with the medicines they received and had it when they needed it. Apart from a few minor issues with recording when they had been given medicines were managed well in the home. People also received appropriate treatment to keep them healthy, or if their health needs changed. All those we spoke to said they would know how to make a complaint and we were told the manager "Is on the ball" and would deal with any concerns personally.

There is no charge whatsoever to appear in it, and we welcome a photo and descriptive text to enhance the presentation of your home. See CQC's page explaining ratings for more details about ratings and inspection practices of care homes in England. – the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. A review of one or more of the ratings contained within the inspection report has been carried out at the request of the provider. Further to the review the ratings within this report have changed. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report.
This was an area of improvement we had highlighted at our previous inspection. We last carried out a comprehensive inspection of Birdscroft in November 2016 where we found the registered provider was in breach of two regulations. These related to the safe management of people’s medicines and the effectiveness of the provider’s quality assurance systems. Following this inspection the registered provider sent us an action plan of how they would address these two issues. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.

If you are looking for care, if you think a family member needs support, or if you want to know what services are available for carers, find the information you need in the pages below. If this is your business, you can claim it and manage the information shown to care seekers. Set up an account and claim your listing, to update your company name, address, telephone number and service information. – the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Our infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections.
Entries are completely free, and we’re happy to work with you to ensure your service are presented in a way you’re happy with. Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more. Our Housing Directory aims to include all housing schemes /developments in the UK that are intended for older people. Our site offers information and guidance that we hope will be of help to you. A care home is a residential setting where a number of older people live, usually in single rooms or hotel-style suites, because they need regular or continuous access to care.

Staff recruitment procedures were safe to ensure staff were suitable to support people in the home. The provider had carried out appropriate recruitment checks before staff commenced employment. They had also checked to ensure staff were eligible to work in the UK. Care Sourcer is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us.
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